Monkey Business

Wednesday 4th March

Today I stayed in the office whilst Ruby, Krista and Alan went out and tracked rockjumpers. In the afternoon, Anja told me that the baboons were near the cottage so I went to have a look for them. As soon as I stepped out of the office they barked an alarm and started to run away, so I followed.

I followed their tracked across the field outside our cottage to the small valley that runs by with a stream. And sure enough, on the hill on the other side of the valley the baboons started to appear along the top ridge, silhouetted against the sky. It was fascinating to watch them and I got to see several baboons on lookout duty, some preening each other, and even some young ones playing.

Whilst down by the valley I also saw a large bone, thought to be part of the remains of a kudu who died there last year. I also took a picture of a lovely green patch by the stream which I thought to be deserted, only to find out later that there was a Grysbok stood there watching me the whole time. I was pretty gutted because it would have been a great sighting, but being colour blind meant I didn’t see him at all and walked away not knowing he was there…

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