Living at Blue Hill Escape

We have been living at Blue Hill for over a week now and it is a fantastic experience. The scenery is beautiful, the people who live here are amazing and we have a little critter who keeps us company whenever we have free time. The sky at night is absolutely breathtaking too, I have never seen the Milky Way appear so clearly across the sky.

Every other day we go out and help Alan and Krista with their research project into the behaviours of Cape Rockjumpers. We usually get up around 4am and leave at 5. The ride to each location is bumpy in the back of the 4×4, and then we have to trek up the rocky hills to our observation locations before sunrise. I still find it nearly impossible to find the birds, they are tiny and cover a large area with plenty of places to hide, and we have to watch from quite a distance. Once we have one in the telescope I’m not too bad at tracking them though.

Usually I am on data collecting duty, we have a small laptop with a built in solar panel which we record the weather, location and behaviour of the birds on every 5 minutes. I’m far better at that than finding the birds. But having the others there means I have seen a hell of a lot more of the birds than I ever would have done on my own. And it is fascinating to follow their behaviour.

It is hard working such long days but definitely worth it, we have seen so much wildlife that would be incredibly hard to find for a tourist visiting the area. I definitely feel like we are getting a richer experience because we are volunteering, we spend a lot of time in incredibly remote places on the reserve and always have Alan and Krista to ask questions if we see something we’re not sure of. I am yet to see anyone else out and about on our travels around the reserve, there are no sounds from cars or aircraft from anywhere nearby, it is really relaxing when we are out in the hills. The only thing we can hear is the rush of the wind and the calls of the animals.

We also see a lot of wildlife just around our cottage and the house without having to venture out further into the reserve. We have had baboons roll past, there are always birds hopping around the bushes outside our windows and there have also been some leopard tracks seen down the road today. The leopards are incredibly rare (and the remaining ones are the target of disgruntled farmers trying to protect their livestock so they do their best to avoid human contact) so it’s very unlikely that we’ll see one, but I’ve got my fingers crossed we will catch a glimpse.

I actually have access to my emails and facebook now and I’m checking them every day or two, so I am contactable. We still don’t have a phone though. I’ll be keeping an eye on the score on Sunday too. Come on you Spurs!

Hello from South Africa!

We made it! Flying into Cape Town on Tuesday morning gave us jaw-dropping views of the Cape mountains. And our flight from Cape Town to George was just as incredible, following the south coast along the Western Cape. We were met at George airport by Alan Lee, our host at Blue Hill Escape. Along the two hour drive to the nature reserve where we are staying he pointed out a range of wildlife, from Springbok to Ostriches. We also got to watch the sun set over the mountains as we got closer to our destination.

We are staying at the Blue Hill nature reserve, a beautiful area in the fynbos region of South Africa. We are staying in a small cottage with no electricity, but plenty of other things to keep us entertained. This morning we have seen several species of bird around the cottage, as well as a troop of baboons passing by (until Ruby scared them away). We also took a small walk and came across what we believed to be african wildcat and kudu tracks within a couple of hundred yards from our front door.

Our Blue Hill home :)
Our Blue Hill home 🙂

We have already spent two days tracking Cape Rockjumpers from 6am to 6pm. It is very draining, especially in the heat (32 degrees in the shade on Wednesday), but we are getting used to it. It is also a great privilege to be involved in this research as we have already seen several species which are endemic to the fynbos region and we wouldn’t see anywhere else in the world. The amount of wildlife we have seen in just our first few days on the reserve is staggering.

We are staying on the reserve with Alan, his wife Anja, and their two children. As well as a student from Canada, Krista, who is helping with the research, and a Swiss volunteer babysitter called Sarafina. Alan’s parents also live on the reserve but are in Norway at the moment. They also have a resident and very tame meerkat called Chutney, who we are both already completely smitten by, despite his occasional biting.

Hope you are all well back home 🙂 speak soon x

The journey begins…

I began my journey yesterday, catching the train heading north up to Warrington ready to fly out from Manchester today. It was really difficult leaving my family behind and I’m going to miss them all a huge amount, but I’m very excited for what lies ahead!

We continue the journey this afternoon by flying to the controversial home of the 2022 World Cup, Qatar, where we will make a quick two hour stop before catching our second flight to South Africa. We are due to land in Cape Town at 10:15 tomorrow morning in temperatures of up to 34°C. We will then be taking a few hours to acclimatise before catching our third and final flight to George in the evening, where we will be met by Alan from Blue Hill.

I need to finish packing (shock) so I will update again when we have arrived at Blue Hill 🙂